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Es increible La Sensacion Angustia Que Me Genero Este Juego En Tan Solo 5 Minutos De Gameplay! Muy Buen Trabajo!!

Love it keep it up


Both Endings! GG Med.

Fun game to play and would make an awesome series if the game was longer. 

loved this game even though im still super suspicious about older lady.... 

I screamed super loud!! loved the game!

This definitely ramps up at the end!


Loved the game, the jumpscares really got me good lmao

Also was that the manga Metamorphosis on the beginning at the table? XD

Creepy game indeed.The old lady was the most creepy thing around. Just didn't like much the way the second ending happens, since is counter intuitive. Other than that the game is pretty good :)


Was that the emergence manga on his table!!!

If not I'm curious it looks familiar and its bugging me that and the little blond anime girl in the corner of the pc screen . Good game the jump scare got me good XD

loved the game keep up the good work

I screamed so loud! Super love this game!!!


This was a fun game to play!

loved this short game!

I really enjoyed this game. Thanks for the work put into it. Still laughing at myself that it took forever to get the last bit so I could finish it.

GREAT GAME DEVELOPER!!! Looking forward to more games from you.

I absolutely love your game! Great job Med!

Had to reupload cause of Youtube's copyright, but overall an amazing and well polished game! That old lady on my hitlist....

El juego es muy bueno, me mantuvo en suspenso mucho tiempo y el final me asusto mucho 10/10

That Jumpscare Got Me Way too good,I loved the Game, had a very good setup!

Click Below For Some Funny Horror Content



Seriously tho this was really cool. after playing it I realised teketeke is actually a story that this is based on lol

I walked in not knowing anything about the Teke Teke legend but got the idea of what it was from the game and I played a version before the item finding was updated.

Now with that out of the way, really enjoyed this horror experience.

The shopping, at the time, was really frustrating and luckily they didn't change once you knew the locations. BUT! Thanks to this game, it made me think of similar styled store models I couldn't find things in so, thank you for that and now have a better knowledge for other games that I gave up on.

Things start up pretty quick and all at once, chaos! When you start your shopping experience.

The game lays out the legend in the beginning pretty well and I felt like I had the idea.

It was pretty unsettling walking around with the sudden loud train, cop car driving by and the random van while waiting to be murdered.

I enjoyed the voice acting and felt like it was pretty good on its pacing with timed events.

One of the endings got me soooooo good, since you are so focused on getting the goal at the time and the other one was stressful as you race to it (don't want to spoil too much!)

Good Job! Had fun with this one!

A short for your nightmare fueled silliness!
*Spoiler Alert* if you watch

nice game that jump scare got me good bro!!

Now this, this was a fun one.

I had some base knowledge of the Teke Teke urban legend going in, but I still wasn't quite prepared for this.

This game is perfectly paced. Lots of little things to put you at a point of unease on your way to the location - a police car, weird people, momentary annoyances... and then when poo hits the fan, it does so FAST.

I am a little baffled at the car crash being so inconsequential that no character even mentions it happened at all, which is a shame when it is otherwise such a good scare and such a great moment, though, but that may be me overthinking.

Either way, Teke Teke is not just solid. It's really damn good for a simple "Walk your way to the ending jumpscare" game. Beautiful work.

Great game my brother

very fun to play and scary jump scares. Check out my reaction :) 

This was spooky :)


Great game

Genuinely unnerving game. Loved every second of it. ESPECIALLY well done on the footstep sounds in the store. Amazing job ! 

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

I Like that scary game!!

that was scary

that ending was not ok actually (first game btw) 

So well made and one of the most terrifying ghosts I've seen!

bu oyun cidden korkutucu 

this game is really scary

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